Offer presentation:
- You: come to us, give us details about the desired loan, the value of the property brought as collateral, your income, other rates
- We: make calculations, we present you the most advantageous loaning solutions suitable for you, we answer all your questions related to offers. Ready! You have chosen and we are moving on.
- File: together we prepare the necessary documents for your file; we provide you a list of the documents needed from the employer and with the ownership documents of the property brought in the bank's guarantee, together we fill in the bank's forms, we estimate the time necessary for each stage of the file.
Financial analysis:
- We: send the file for the bank's financial analysis, we support your file so that you receive financial approval quickly, without adjustments, we keep you up to date with the analysis
- The bank: gives the financial approval or not
- You: It is important to remember: choosing a bank with financial approval, ensures the approved loan amount for a period of time (between 30-90 days)
Legal analysis of the property:
- You: send us the documents of the property to be purchased by email (according to the list we provide you)
- We: we ensure that the real estate documents comply with the bank's requirements and we send them for analysis to the bank's legal department; we support the file if additions / mentions are required
- The bank: analyzes the documents, requests completions or not, sends us the legal agreement
- We: we inform you that you have received the legal agreement, the cost of the evaluation and the estimated time of the evaluation
- The bank: requests the evaluation of the property and after receiving the Assessment Report, analyzes it, gives its consent for the guarantee of your property or not; finally approves your loan.
Signing the contract:
- We: we inform you that your loan has been approved and we prepare the signing (we ensure detailed and fast communication between the bank, notary, seller, buyer, insurer, so that all parties know the details of the signing, the costs specific to each, the place and date when the contracts are signed; we ensure that you receive a draft of the contract, at least one day before the sale, to report any possible errors.
- You: allocate time for signing the contract
Transferring the money into the account and taking possession:
- The loan for building and decorating houses will be able to be used for at least 2 installments, within the degree of coverage with guarantees
- You set the number of installments and their value yourself
- The withdrawals will be able to be performed for the entire validity period of the building permit
- The money will be transferred:
a) in your current account, in case you choose to carry out the works on your own
b) in the account of the construction company if the works will be performed by a specialized company
- After using each tranche of money, 2 aspects will be followed to issue the next tranche: the degree of coverage with guarantees and the presentation of proving documents (invoices, receipts, etc.)
Documents required after the completion of the construction:
- the final reception report
- the energy performance certificate (it must be issued no later than the date of the final acceptance report)
- remade cadastral file (land and construction)
- Ownership right over the land and the construction issued by the Cadastral and Real Estate Advertising Office
- Land Registry information extract (land and construction)
- a final evaluation report