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Eligible Incomes


  • the incomes that are taken into account by the bank for your loan,
  • eligible incomes differ from bank to bank (the criteria of each bank are different)
  • over 20 types of income, supported by banks (salaries, child raising allowance, rents, dividends, management contracts, etc.)


Choose an experienced specialist, when you access a loan and especially a mortgage / real estate loan, it gives you the advantage of quickly finding out the bank that takes your income into account and the percentage taken into consideration.

The different types and methods of calculating eligible income used by our banking partners:

  • net salary and fixed bonuses, are considered eligible income by all banking and non-banking partners
  • salaries obtained under a fixed-term employment contract are considered eligible income for some of our partners
  • meal vouchers are considered eligible, by most partners
  • considered main income, you can take a loan with this type of income alone
  • considered secondary income, you can take a loan, along with the salary
  • the percentage taken into account differs depending on each banking partner
  • considered main income, you can take a loan with this type of income alone
  • considered secondary income, you can apply for a loan only with the salary of a co-payer
  • the percentage taken into account differs depending on each banking partner
  • considered main income, you can take a loan with this type of income alone
  • considered secondary income, you can access a loan, only cumulated with your net salary
  • the percentage taken into account differs depending on each banking partner
  • some of our partners take into account the income from your cashing or payments / statements register
  • others only take into account the income from the income norm, as eligible income
  • the incomes of income norm entities are weighted differently by each bank

Our brokerage services are FREE OF CHARGE for you.

The experience we gained in over 14 years, collaborating with over 15 banks and non-banking institutions in our portfolio, helps us quickly advise you where you will receive the maximum offer, based on your income. For a personalized calculation and a detailed offer, please contact us.

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