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Useful Tips


  • Make a list of the “necessary” and then apply for a loan; you will thus borrow as much as you need;
  • Before accessing a loan, make sure you have all the necessary information about the costs of the loan;
  • According to the European Standardized Information Sheet (EFSI), you will have a reflection period of at least 15 (fifteen) calendar days before accepting an offer or signing a loan agreement;
  • Take into account a pessimistic income scenario, so that you are not exposed when a critical financial situation occurs. For example: in case of unforeseen unemployment, to be able to continue to pay the loan installments, for another 6 months;
  • Make the loan in the currency in which you receive your currency;
  • Negotiate the price of the house in RON with the seller, you will reduce the risk of payment differences in case of currencies;
  • By partial or full prepayment, you will reduce a great deal of your loan interest; you have the following early repayment methods for the loan:

a) maintaining the value of the monthly installment and decreasing the initial loaning period;
b) decreasing the value of the monthly installment and maintaining the initial loaning period;
c) decreasing the value of the monthly installment and the initial loaning period;

  • Carefully choose the notary office; he/she is the one who ensures you a thorough verification of the history of the property deeds for the house you want to buy;
  • When signing the Bilateral Promise, make sure that all repairs / works done on the house, negotiated by you with the seller, are mentioned in it;
  • When buying a home, request the measurement survey of the house / apartment and be careful if changes were made on the resistance structure.

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